
The Holy Shroud as a Scientific Problem / Proposals for a League of Catholic Women, & 12 other Catholic Pamphlets & Essays, 1894 - 1910 (14 pieces in one vol)

Author: THURSTON, Herbert, Margaret Fletcher, George Tyrrell et al

Publisher: , 1910,

Size: Small 4to (24 x 16 cm)

Book Condition: Very Good

Binding: Hardback


Notes : ~CONTENTS: 1. Albert CONDAMIN, Etudes Sur l''Ecclesiate, from La Revue Biblique, 1900 (55pp.). 2. A. CONDAMIN, Les Chapitres I et II du Livre d''Isaie, from La Revue Biblique, 1904 (20pp.). 3. M. FLETCHER, Proposals for a League of Catholic Women Workers, f

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