
Mediaeval Towns: The Story of Assisi ... 39 vols (complete set) ~(Medieval Towns)

Author: GORDON, Lina Duff et al

Publisher: Dent, 1900,

Size: About 250pp per vol., illus

Book Condition: Very Good

Binding: Hard Cover

More Info: Binding sound, text unmarked


Notes : Assisi by Lina Duff Gordon (1st, 1900), Avignon by Thomas Okey (2nd Rev, 1926), Basel, Berne and Zurich by M. D. Hottinger (1st, 1933), Bologna by Alethea Weil (1st, 1923), Bruges by Ernest Gilliat-Smith (3rd Rev 1905), Brussels by Ernes Gilliat-Smith (2n

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